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Concerns about SDA within the NDIS

Concerns about SDA within the NDIS


April 12th 2024


With the introduction of SDA in the NDIS the industry has raised concerns regarding the availability, suitability, and affordability of appropriate housing options for people with disabilities. Some specific concerns include:

1. Supply and Demand Imbalance:  There is a large shortage of suitable SDA properties compared to the demand, leading to limited housing options for the NDIS participants.

2. Cost: The cost of SDA properties can be significantly higher than traditional housing options, potentially making it unaffordable for some participants or requiring a significant portion of their NDIS funding.

3. Quality and Standards: There have been many cases where houses aren't built up to code, or lack the quality to give a participant a good living experience, which leads to many concerns about ensuring that the built environment is appropriate for the needs and wants of people with disabilities.

4. Choice and Control: Some stakeholders worry that the current SDA framework may limit participants' choice and control over their housing options, as they may have limited say in where they live or the type of housing available to them.

5. Market Oversight: There are concerns about the regulation and oversight of the SDA market to prevent exploitation, ensure transparency, and maintain quality standards.


Overall, while SDA has the potential to significantly improve housing options for people with disabilities, addressing these concerns is essential to ensure that it effectively meets the needs of NDIS participants.

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