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What does NDIS 2.0 look like?

What is NDIS 2.0?


NDIS 2.0 refers to the ongoing development and reform of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. Its purpose is to enhance the scheme’s sustainability, improve participant experiences, and garner community-wide support. Here are some key points about NDIS 2.0

Access Based on Functional Impairment

NDIS 2.0 aims to strengthen access to the scheme by focusing on significant functional impairment rather than relying solely on medical diagnoses. This approach ensures that those who genuinely need support can access it effectively.

Reasonable and Necessary Supports

The reform emphasises defining reasonable and necessary supports for participants. This ensures that the services provided align with individual needs and goals.

Community-Wide Foundational Supports

NDIS 2.0 involves rolling out community-wide foundational supports that align with mainstream services. These foundational supports play a crucial role in enhancing overall well-being.

Review Panel and Recommendations

Led by Professor Bruce Bonyhady, a review panel is actively working on recommendations to enhance the NDIS. Their focus is on making the scheme more person-centred, responsive, and sustainable.

Market and Workforce Opportunities

NDIS 2.0 also explores market and workforce opportunities to break down barriers for people with disabilities. Additionally, it delves into new funding models and opportunities in the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) property market.

In summary, NDIS 2.0 aims to create a more effective, person-centered, and sustainable disability support system in Australia.

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How will NDIS 2.0 impact people with disabilities?

NDIS 2.0 is expected to impact people with disabilities in several ways. The plan aims to put people with disabilities and their perspectives first in conversations about the future of the NDIS, amplifying the exceptional work already going on in the sector. Some of the key impacts include

Person-Centred Approach

NDIS 2.0 aims to improve the participant experience to be person-centred and responsive to intersectional disadvantage

Strengthened Access

The plan focuses on strengthening access to the scheme based on significant functional impairment rather than medical diagnoses, which is intended to ensure that the NDIS is more inclusive and supportive of those with significant functional impairments

Community-Wide Foundational Supports

The NDIS 2.0 involves rolling out community-wide foundational supports aligned with mainstream services, which is expected to enhance the overall support available to people with disabilities

Economic Impact

Preliminary estimates suggest that the NDIS may generate significant economic benefits, which could have a positive impact on people with disabilities and the wider economy

Market and Workforce Opportunities

The plan also involves examining market and workforce opportunities to break down barriers for people with disabilities, which could lead to improved service delivery and support

The focus on a person-centred approach, strengthened access, community-wide foundational supports, economic impact, and market and workforce opportunities will have a positive impact on the lives of people with disabilities.

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